Thursday, September 27, 2007

Could he be More Shallow?

"I'm not beholden to any particular group for getting me into this race or for getting me elected. My family, that's the only one I'm really beholden to, they're the ones who let their inheritance slip away, dollar by dollar."
-Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney

Wow. The Romney family is truly a model of sacrifice in the name of public service. Mitt's sons have not served in the military, but they have served their country by helping out his campaign. Now dad gives them another tip of the hat for putting their country first: they're letting him spend their inheritiance on running for president.

America owes the Romneys a big "thank you."

The United States cannot afford to have another president who is as clueless about national service as George W. Bush.

1 comment:

Navid said...

Curtis, do you know how hard it is to watch your bank account dwindle to measly numbers that don't have to be quoted in scientific notation?