Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Legends in Democratic Politics

You have probably never heard of Paul Tewes and Mitch Stewart before, but you will. Paul served as Barack Obama's state director in Iowa, and Mitch served as Obama's caucus director. A few Bruin Democrats, myself included, were fortunate enough to have the pleasure of seeing these men in action during the last ten days of the Iowa campaign.

The Fix's Chris Cilizza credits Tewes and Stewart for the incredible caucus turnout we saw on Thursday. In 2004, about 125,000 Iowans attended the caucus. This year, more than 200,000 Iowans made it out to their precint's caucus. This incredible jump is in large part due to the Obama campaign's successful targeting of youth and first-time caucus-goers.

It looks like Paul and Mitch carved out a place for themselves in the pantheon of legendary politicos. Props to them.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Nerdiest post of 2008.